Product |
Production Time |
Estimate Date Order will be Shipped Out |
2 Business Days (Please allow additional time if you are requesting a proof) |
9/12/2024 + shipping time. |
Gift Certificate
2 Business Days (Please allow additional time if you are requesting a proof) |
9/12/2024 + shipping time. |
Play Matz™
2 Business Days (Please allow additional time if you are requesting a proof) |
9/12/2024 + shipping time. |
Screen Printed Apparel
10 Business Days (Please allow additional time if you are requesting a proof) |
9/24/2024 + shipping time. |
Business Days
Harris Decals business day ends at 5:30pm central standard time. All orders placed online after 5:30pm are considered to be ordered the next business day. We consider a business day Monday - Friday excluding National Holidays such as Christmas, Fourth of July, etc.
Online Proofs
We would highly suggest you take advantage of our online proofing system. We try to get all online proofs out the following business day from the time you place your order.